Frequently Asked Questions
Here you will find some of the most common questions that we are asked when clients are evaluating what services to get and how we can support them. Contact us for more info.
Here you will find some of the most common questions that we are asked when clients are evaluating what services to get and how we can support them. Contact us for more info.
Through a thorough screening and hiring procedure, Abilifly Support Services guarantees that all Support Workers and Nurses possess the necessary credentials, experience, and skills. All employees are vetted and verified with all the procedures we need for compliance.
As a Direct Service Provider, Abilifly Support Services has received Third Party Verification accreditation in accordance with the Disability Standards. We are also a Registered Service Provider with the NDIS.
All members of the Abilifly Support Services team hold advanced degrees in health and disabilities.
Please call us at (07) 4031 2240 if you need further information.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
enables those living with permanent and significant disability to receive the support they need.
Within the next five years, the NDIS will provide $22 billion in funding a year to an estimated 500,000 Australians aged under 65 to access these services.
The NDIS provides funding to eligible people based on their individual needs.
Every NDIS participant has an individual plan that lists their goals and the funding they have received. NDIS participants use their funding to purchase supports and services that will help them achieve their goals.
Everyone has different goals but they could include things like getting and keeping a job, making friends or participating in a local community activity. NDIS participants control the support they receive, when they receive it, and who provides it.
Before booking a support worker or nurse, we need to collect all the information we need to make sure we give you the proper support worker based on your needs. Location, shift length, and time all play a role in this.
Please call us at (07) 4031 2240 if you would like additional information.
You must meet the age, residency, and disability or early intervention access requirements in order to participate in the NDIS. People who are currently receiving services in some States and Territories will transition to the NDIS first.
Use the NDIS Access Checklist on the website to determine whether you meet the requirements for access. (NDIS)
Everyone has unique requirements, tastes, and objectives. Assistance can take numerous forms, from merely offering information and recommendations to supporting clients in many facets of your unique plan.
If you qualify for the NDIS, we can support your plan if you do. Support might be anything from staffing various authorized service categories. You will have specified a number of categories that describe the variety of supports you need on your NDIS Plan, which is highly explicit in this regard.
Examples include helping with daily personal care and helping people access social and recreational opportunities in the neighborhood.
Please visit our services page or section to learn more about the services we can provide for you, or call us at (07) 4031 2240.