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Abilifly Support Services is a provider of Home Care Packages (HCP). This Service supports older Australians with complex care needs to live independently in their own homes. It uses a consumer-directed care approach to ensure the support suits their needs and goals.

At Abilifly Support Services, we support you to stay independent and continue doing what makes you, you; all from the familiar surrounds of your own home. We offer an extensive range of home care services and funding options to suit your individual circumstances.


Have you noticed that you or your loved one might need some more assistance at home? It’s important to have an open conversation with your family about the kinds of care that would help. Recognising the need for extra support can be a big step, both for people who need care and carers themselves.

Don’t forget, the goal of home care package is to help you or your loved one stay independent and continue doing what makes you, you; all from the familiar surrounds of your own home.

Research has shown that receiving professional support lowers the risk of entering permanent care and can extend quality of life.

You have a lot of options available.

We can help you get started. Call (07) 4031 2240 to speak to a friendly member of the Abilifly team.

Abilifly Support Services is a provider of Home Care Packages (HCP). This Service supports older Australians with complex care needs to live independently in their own homes. It uses a consumer-directed care approach to ensure the support suits their needs and goals.

At Abilifly Support Services, we support you to stay independent and continue doing what makes you, you; all from the familiar surrounds of your own home. We offer an extensive range of home care services and funding options to suit your individual circumstances.

Have you noticed that you or your loved one might need some more assistance at home? It’s important to have an open conversation with your family about the kinds of care that would help. Recognising the need for extra support can be a big step, both for people who need care and carers themselves.

Don’t forget, the goal of home care package is to help you or your loved one stay independent and continue doing what makes you, you; all from the familiar surrounds of your own home.

Research has shown that receiving professional support lowers the risk of entering permanent care and can extend quality of life.

You have a lot of options available.

We can help you get started. Call (07) 4031 2240 to speak to a friendly member of the Abilifly team.

  • Knowing Your Options

    Support can come from many places – family, friends, neighbours, community groups, churches and more. As we age, we sometimes need care providers like Abilifly to complement that support. Abilifly offers an extensive range of services tailored to meet your unique needs and goals. You can access Home Care services for the short term or long term, through a day program or overnight. Options for funding your home care services include: Paying for the services out of your own pocket Applying for Government funding via a Home Care Package, Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) or Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) Veterans’ Home Care funding. We want to help you understand all the options on the table that could let you or your loved one live at home for longer. Call us on (07) 4031 2240 to find out more.

  • Applying for a Home Care Package

    Applying for a Home Care Package might seem complicated, but with some guidance, we can make it a little easier for you. You’ll first need to complete a referral My Aged Care. The Aged Care Assessment Service (ACAS) will then evaluate yours or your loved one’s needs for funded support at home. The assessment will then be entered into the My Aged Care system, where you’ll be approved for one of four levels of funding. When a Home Care Package at your level has become available, this will be assigned to you. You’ll then nominate your chosen service provider (Abilifly), we hope!) and enter into a service agreement. Then you can begin to receive extra support at home. If you need support right now, we can help with that too. Our Customer Centre advisors would love to help you navigate the government funding system, even if you don’t end up choosing us as your provider. Call us on (07) 4031 2240 for a free consultation. For more information: Download the infographic ‘How to Get a Home Care Package’ or Read the article ‘7 steps to secure your home care package.’

  • Private Services

    The government assessment process can take time, so if you need services immediately or don’t want to wait, you could consider private funding as an interim measure. In fact, if you choose to privately fund your services, we’re often able to start providing home care within 3-5 business days. Although you won’t receive a rebate, you’ll have access to all of our high-quality services without the hassle of waiting lists or extra paperwork. You can also top up your package or government funding with additional privately funded services if you wish. Call us on (07) 4031 2240 to get your services set up

  • Short Term Care

    Are you or a loved one in need of temporary care? Maybe you or they have just returned home from a hospital or rehabilitation centre, and need extra support while recovering. A short spell of assistance could involve home care services, in-home nursing or respite care. These services are usually self-funded, but can be government subsidised in certain situations. Benetas private home care can support you or your loved one through a period of transition – whether recovering, moving, or switching aged care providers. Or get in touch on (07) 4031 2240 to discuss your situation and find out what’s available.

  • Switching Providers

    Unhappy with your current home care provider? You can move your package over to Abilifly and have any unspent subsidy come with you. After the transfer’s complete, we can begin providing our support so you or your loved one can stay independent at home. If your current provider has an exit fee, we can show you how to avoid it. Exit fees can only be withdrawn from unspent funds – if you spend all your subsidy, you can’t be charged. To understand how this works or learn how Abilifly is different from your current provider, call us on (07) 4031 2240.

  • Support for Carers

    If you’re caring for an older person, it’s important to care for yourself. Abilifly respite services can take care of your loved one while you take some much-needed time for yourself and catch up on the things you need to do. Carers do incredible work, but all too often ignore their own wellbeing. That’s why we support them as well as the people they care for. Respite options include: Entertaining day programs Overnight stay facilities Respite at residential facilities Respite care in the home (including overnight) Find out more on our Respite page, or call us directly on (07) 4031 2240.

Getting Started

Enjoy transport and/or companionship for outings, shopping, club meetings, appointments and more!

In partnership with you, we create opportunities for you to stay connected and maintain your sense of purpose through companionship and involvement with the community.

Options include:

  • Visiting local parks, gardens or beach
  • Attending Abilifly social calendar events
  • Visiting your friends and family
  • Going out for a meal with friends
  • Going to church
  • Going to your local gym or pool
  • Continuing your favourite hobby
  • Joining a social group
  • Joining a class or course
  • Getting to an appointment
  • Day trips to see a movie or visit the museum

It could be as simple as help getting to and from appointments, out to meet friends and family or just some companionship and a lunch. Getting to the beach or a local park might not be as easy anymore but with some assistance it might not be as out of reach as you think.

Using these services can help you avoid feeling isolated or lonely, and help keep you living your life and connecting with your community, friends, and family.

Domestic Assistance

Relax as we offer a hand around the home with household tasks and cleaning.

  • Household Tasks & Cleaning

We can assist with everyday tasks such as washing, ironing, mopping or vacuuming. It could be as simple as changing the sheets, folding and putting your clothes away or assisting with odd jobs.

  • Gardening & Home Maintenance

Is maintaining your garden becoming too taxing? Are there maintenance issues you can’t fix alone? Get a helping hand with light gardening or home and garden maintenance.

Home and garden services available include:

  • Light gardening
    • Garden maintenance
    • Minor home maintenance
    • Spring cleaning
    • Window cleaning
    • Gutter cleaning
    • Carpet cleaning
    • Pest control

Diet and Health

Enjoy healthy home-cooked meals suitable to your dietary requirements, or get the grocery shopping done for you.

  • Diet and nutrition is fundamental to your health and well being. Benetas can assist you to by preparing healthy home cooked meals to suit your dietary requirements.

    Grocery shopping
  • If getting to and from the shops is taking its toll, we can either join you or perform the entire trip for you (including carrying and unpacking).

Personal Care

We can support you with tasks such as bathing, showering, grooming, dressing, toileting, getting in and out of bed and moving around the house.

Day-to-day personal care can get hard to manage alone. Some days it might be more of a struggle than others. If this is the case, you could arrange for someone to shower and dress you, check on your well-being or stay on top of your medication schedule.

Respite Care

Carers also need to take care of themselves. If you’re supporting an older person living at home, your wellbeing is critical to theirs. We offer a range of flexible respite services in Victoria to help you maintain your independence, happiness and health. Get things done or take a break while your loved one receives excellent care

  • In-Home Respite Care

We spend time with your loved one at home or in the community whilst you have a bit of ‘me’ time.

  • Overnight or Longer Term In-Home Respite Services

Overnight or longer term in-home respite services can be arranged for Abilifly staff or with other suppliers.